Our mission

We believe sustainable solutions are built in community.

At La Pointe Foundation, we believe sustainable solutions are built in community.


—a group of people who have a common purpose, a common need, and a common desire to come together, in a united front, to solve whatever challenge lies in front of them. Our purpose is to close the gap between people and sustainable solutions. Put simply? We want to enable the overlooked and forgotten with support, encouragement, and resources that will help them become truly independent and sustainable in the key pillars of health care, education, safe living conditions, and entrepreneurship.

None of this can be done if it’s not driven from the inside out. No one knows a problem—or, ultimately, a solution—more intimately than the people who live and breathe it every day. The most innovative answers can only be found when a diverse group of people led by locals—not outsiders—put their heads, hands, and hearts together to discover it.

To close the gap between people and sustainable solutions, we must embody three key values: trust, grit, and potential.

Trust is having the humility to know that your way isn’t necessarily the best way or the only way. This work isn’t about entering a space and telling someone what they need to do to make their life better—it’s about listening and learning, instead. Trust is knowing someone else knows better.

Grit is necessary. It’s knowing that progress looks not like one big win, but instead like a bunch of baby steps. From the outside, it may seem that this work is filled with too much despair, but it’s quite the opposite—it’s filled with hope and the understanding that change can happen if you see from the beginning to the end. And that hope?

That’s where potential comes in. If you can’t see it, you’ll never find it. Believing in something bigger than what’s in front of you—giving people opportunities to dream—is the first and most important step.

Charlotte & Caleb Whitmore