Welcome Guest Speakers

Your story is important and the world needs to hear it. We are here to support and guide you on making this podcast interview successful and fun! Our listeners are looking for applicable advice and real life stories of those who are in the field working towards social justice. They want to hear about the wins and the failures. Get honest and personal, this is what will help listeners engage with your story. Our desire is to help you feel comfortable and at ease so your story can inspire others, we know it will!

Apply to be featured

Whether you already have an interview scheduled, or would like to be considered for our podcast, we need to collect some information from you to get started. Simply click the button below and fill out the intake form, we will get a notification when it is submitted and we will be in touch with your shortly.

What to Expect

The Point Podcast is all about focusing on personal stories with a combination of educating the audience on your area of expertise.

  • The Who: No, not the band, but YOU! Who you are. Your background and how you got started in this area of social justice are intriguing to people. Maybe you were in the foster care system and are now a passionate advocate for foster kids. Maybe you experienced a joy or a tragedy at a young age and it helped shape who you are. We all have those pivotal moments. What is yours?

  • The Goal: Together our goal is to spread awareness of the awesome acts of justice going on in the world, and to shine a spotlight on the individuals taking the lead to make it happen. We want our listeners, who have hearts for justice, to be inspired by seemingly ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We all have something to give to the world, and hearing the stories of others inspires us to take action.

  • Educate The Audience: Do you work with those experiencing homelessness? Tell us about the cause of this, use statistics, teach us terminology. Maybe you work with victims of human trafficking? Think about it as though you were teaching it to 3rd graders. What is human trafficking? Why does it occur? What can people do to help? Combining your story, stories from the field, and your knowledge and experience offers a thorough experience to the listener and gives them tangible information they can do something with.

The host will use the intake form you completed (button above) to create your introduction. This will also include any elements you are hoping to promote (i.e. a new book coming out). Your intake form will also give us a good idea of how to structure the conversation. This rough script will serve as a guide throughout the interview so you can know what to expect and not be caught off guard. The interview will take approximately 50 minutes and will be edited to 40 minutes as applicable. We will not be recording when we call you. We will have a quick catch up, and a briefing of how the interview will go, and then after we verbally confirm recording will start, we will push the record button and we will be live! Well, not really, but we will be recording. The good news is that we can edit out anything you might not want shared, or if you stumble over your words. Also, we will send you the recording for approval before it goes live.

Brief Agenda

  • Intro of guest by host

  • Greeting and intro conversation

  • Who you are & how you got started in the field (chronological approach)

  • Stories from the field

  • Last Question: What is what thing you want listeners to take with them from the conversation?

  • Finish with: How can listeners get involved?

How to Prepare

  • Mare sure you have good internet: We will send you a Zoom invite a few days before the interview. Although only the audio portion of the interview will be used for The Point Podcast, using video during the call will allow for a more natural and fluid conversation, and may be used for promotional materials.

  • Please use a computer, not a tablet or a phone

  • Please use headphones with a microphone, this will produce higher quality audio than your computers microphone.

  • Be sure you are in a very quiet area with very little background noise. Avoid hard surface areas. Places like your car or your closet are great for capturing quality sound

  • Be prepared. Go over what you are hoping to say by sharing it out loud with a friend or family member. Take a few deep breathes and get into the right headspace. Don’t worry we can also edit out any mistakes so don’t get nervous. Think about it as a conversation between two friends.

  • Have fun! The audience hears how you feel. Use hand gestures, smile, laugh, cry. Even if the listeners can’t see you, they can still feel your emotion. Generally speaking, it takes even more energy to come across through audio than it does through video. So don’t be afraid to give it extra zeal.

  • Reach out with any questions. We are here to help you, so please let us know how we can be most supportive to you and your needs. We are excited to hear your story and want to honor your time.

About the Host


Callie Himsl is as experienced professional and entrepreneur with a strong history of international relations and social business. She specializes in community development and economic empowerment utilizing over 15 years of branding and marketing experience and over a decade of international work. She has lived full-time in Haiti since 2012 with her husband Bekenson. During this time she functioned as the in-country director of a large social business where she helped to lead a team of 250+ through a holistic approach of economic empowerment through the creation and exportation of artisan products. She has had the privilege to work with many honorable groups such as; The United Nations, The Clinton Foundation, Vogue, and the American Chamber of Commerce. Her goal is to grow La Pointe Foundation and help implement strategies of sustainability globally. She is now back in the United States and ready to help showcase incredible organizations and individuals doing world-changing work. She is passionate about sharing your story to help others find theirs.